Immigration Newsletter

Friday, September 26, 2014

Military Path Opened for Young Immigrants -

Military Path Opened for Young Immigrants -  by: Julia Preston

A group of young so-called Dreamers who aspired to serve in the military but were prevented because of their immigration status rallied in front of the Capitol in Washington in May. CreditChip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Click the link above to read the rest of the article:

...Undocumented young people who have been granted deportation deferrals by the Obama administration will be eligible to apply for the military under a recruitment program for immigrants with special language and medical skills, according to a memo issued Thursday by Jessica L. Wright, under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness....


From DLO: This program is also available to persons who have been granted asylum, refugee, or TPS status as well as persons in valid non-immigrant status. The new aspect of the program is the acceptance of DACA grantees into the program. (Spanish is not one of the special language skills sought by the MAVNI program)

 Drew Law Office, PLLC -- Immigration Lawyers Metro Manchester NH

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